Mitzi Hensen-Underwriting
Lois Schindler-Customer Service
Kathy Soldanels-Company Manager

2024 Board of Directors
Jim Ocker-President, Donna Magness-Vice President, Holly McCauley-Sect./Treas.
Lyle Grafton, Jimmy McKinley, Josh Walker, Brent Bodenhausen
A Brief History
Through several generations, the history of Missouri Hometown Mutual Insurance Company has come to mean neighbor helping neighbor.
In the early days, it was a common practice among residents of a community to come together in times of hardship. If a neighbor had sustained loss of their home and personal possessions, other residents would come together to provide materials, labor and to contribute money to aid them.
We are told the idea of starting this Insurance Company originated at a fire-side setting in a store in Turney, Missouri. A group of men, who happened to be gathered, formed that circle of concern that was the beginning of Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company. This small group carried out the organization of the company, and was the first to take policies of insurance. The company was established in 1891; on January 30, 1892, the Company received their Certificate of Incorporation.
The philosophy of neighborhood helpfulness was the philosophy of the earliest days of the company. Although policies for insurance were written, it is thought that only a small contribution was made at the time. Those members who had bound themselves together actually paid losses out of their pockets as they occurred.
Over 100 years later, business continued to flourish, and on February 28, 1984, the Company amended its Articles of Incorporation to change its name to Farmers Mutual Insurance Company of Clinton County, Missouri. On June 27, 2002 an Amendment to our Articles of Incorporation was approved by the Secretary of State and the Department of Insurance to make us a Non-Assessable Mutual. We are authorized to transact business in all counties in the state of Missouri.
In order to become more identifiable in the markets we serve, our name was changed on Nov. 1st, 2021 to Missouri Hometown Mutual Insurance Company. The present office at 202 W. Maple, Plattsburg, Missouri was built in 1951 with an addition being added in 1984.
In the 129 years of the existence of the Company, it has been served by a rather small group of Officers. Only nine Presidents have served the Company during that period of time.
Missouri Hometown Mutual Insurance Company is a member of both the National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies and the Missouri Association of Mutual Insurance Companies (MAMIC)